I WAS SITTING IN a health food store after driving around for hours without really knowing where i could even be trying to go. I had just got back in town. I had been in this state of heart and mind for a year already and i had no idea where to start gathering my pieces back, even if not necessarily together. Charles was finishing the last chapter of this book. Making the story shorter, Charles seat next to me and not because of his interesting shirt we started talking. One hour and half later i left with a much higher level of awareness about where i was standing, emotionally. I had the opportunity to have many other great conversations with Charles about that very same subject. And still, when i read “Butterfly” I was completly taken. Not only by his clarity but also by his williness to do his home work. By his williness to seek the change that he so needed. By valuing the little steps and by the INCREDIBLE power of his intuition. Bravissimo Charles! Superb writing experience ! This book is a wake-up call, to anyone! Thank you so much!!
Superb !